Exhibition Rønnebæksholm

In 2017 the Danish painter Martin Aagard Hansen (born 1988) curated an exhibition with works by Gordon and himself at Rønnebæksholm in Næstved. The exhibition was shaped as a dialogue across time in form, texture and materials between two painters.

Martin Aagaard Hansen and Ulla Borchsenius Fazakerley at the opening of Widnes

The exhibition was called “Widnes” after the hometown of Gordon and as a play on words with “Witness” referring to Martin as the witness and interpreter of Gordons work in a modern context.

Strangely Gordon and Martin never met in real life. Martin, then a student at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, was hired in 2011 after Gordon’s death to frame some of Gordon’s canvases. Spending time together Gordon’s widow Ulla and Martin became great friends bonding over a mutuel interest in Gordon’s painting.

You can read more about the exhibition “Widnes” in Danish here

Painting: Marting Aagard Hansen

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